Hello ALL! I know I've been MIA. There is no good reason, other than I just haven not had much to blog about. I do finally have some very exciting news, Josh and I are expecting! We could not be more thrilled. As it took us a while, I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy this journey.
Weeks: 18, can’t believe I am almost half way there!
Official Due Date: April 3rd, 2015
Trimester: Second
Gender: IT’S A GIRL! We were fortunate to have a 16 week ultrasound, and able to find out the sex.
Baby is the Size of a: Sweet Potato
Cravings: No big cravings yet. It makes it much easier to eat food when everything doesn’t make you sick to your stomach, and that is how I felt at the beginning of this pregnancy.
How I’m Feeling: I honestly am feeling pretty good. I was sick at the beginning, but that has come and gone, thank goodness!
Movement: I think I can feel little tiny flutters, usually in the mornings and at night.
What I Miss: The only thing I slightly miss is having a glass of wine here and there, especially on the nights I am snuggled up on the couch watching a movie or TV.
Best Moment: Of course, finding out the sex was amazing. Josh and I both had the feeling we were going to have a girl. After that appointment we went to the grocery store and ordered cupcakes to do a gender reveal with our families. It was so awesome to be able to have everyone over and share our exciting news with them!
Josh continues to make me feel special and beautiful. I am so lucky to have him as my husband, and cannot wait for this precious little girl to join us.