Weeks: 33 Weeks
Official Due Date: April 3rd, 2015
Trimester: Third
Gender: Girl, and still super excited about this!
Baby is the Size of a: Honeydew melon (about 19in, 4.5lbs)
Cravings: Lots of Sweets, it is bad! I could eat only sweets ALL DAY LONG!
How I’m Feeling: I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. I didn't mind it until recently, as I just feel huge. My belly is in my way. I am ready to be back in my normal clothing! Lots of heartburn, so we will see if she comes out with a full head of hair.
Movement: Lots of movement. Mostly in the mornings and at night.
What I Miss: Wine and fitting into my clothing. I am ready to be back into my normal size clothes. I am praying I get motivated to workout and eat a lot healthier after I give birth.
Best Moment: Getting the nursery ready. It is slowly coming together, but I am ready to have it complete soon! YAY!