Birth Date
March 23rd, 2015
6 lbs 14 oz
20 inches
2 Month
10 lbs 9 oz
22.5 inches
taking naps
smiling (she has started to interact with us, and smiles when we tickle her lips, it melts my heart)
moving (when she is awake, she likes to stand or kick her legs)
taking baths
being swaddledbeing over tired
shots (she did not like her 2 month vaccinations)
Hadley's neck is very strong, and she is always wanting to be in the position looking over our shoulder. She likes to look around and standing (her legs are always locked, it will be interesting to see if she is an early walker). She is mostly sleeping through the night, and some nights will wake between 3-4 for a snack. She eats around 3 to 4 oz at each feed, sometimes more.
She has been a busy girl in her first two months of life, we've been on numerous walks when the weather permits, she has been to her first family wedding, been out on the golf course multiple times. Hadley has been able to meet all of her Great Grandparents.
Great Grandpa Russell Morris
Great Grandpa Jay & Great Grandma Jan Hadley
She was so lucky to have meet her Great Grandpa Jay, as he passed away a couple weeks after she was born. We feel very blessed that she was named after their family name.
Great Grandma Lynn Thygesen, unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Hadley with her Great Grandpa Cliff Thygesen.
Great Grandma Joan Barkema & Great Grandpa Roger Barkema.
I look forward to spending another month home with my baby girl. Can't wait to share all the changes in the next month!
Here are a few of my favorite photos over the past two months.