I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding...for many reasons. Not only does it benefit your baby, but it also benefits YOU!
It started as one of the hardest things I think I've ever done. Hadley latched on well, but the pain....oh the pain for the first two weeks was miserable. I stuck through it though, and it has been an amazing experience.
Because I am a working mom, I've been pumping. Yes, this is a lot more extra work, but it is worth it to me to be able to feed my baby. I am not against Formula at all, I just had the desire to breastfeed/pump, and it has worked well for Hadley and myself.
I pump 5:30am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, sometimes at 6:30pm and then last pump is around 9 -9:30pm. I never pumped in the middle of the night, when Hadley wasn't sleeping through the night, I would just breastfeed her, this was easiest for me. I started giving Hadley Breast milk in a bottle early on, just so she would get use to it for when I went back to work.
My goal is to make it to 6 months, which is only 2 month away....and then from there, I might continue....or I might not. I haven't decided yet. I have a TON frozen, and will feed Hadley that, and would love to make it closer to a year.
Freezing - you will need a LOT of storage space is you are going to go this avenue. Probably your own Deep Freeze, just for the milk.
I gained a good amount of weight through my pregnancy. Breastfeeding has helped me lose most of my baby weight I gained. I have around 5 more pounds to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but would love to lose another 15 pounds. I am struggling right now to find time for myself, and getting away long enough to get a work out in.
Additional Tips for Pumping Moms:
- Buy yourself MULTIPLE hands free Bras
- Milk Storage Bags
- Extra Pumping Parts
- Car Outlet Charger for Pump
- Embrace it!
- Relax while you are pumping.
- Drink lots of water.
- Let your spouse care for your baby while you are pumping!
If anyone has any additional questions on my breastfeeding journey, feel free to e-mail me at