
Monday, November 25, 2013

Two Easy Appetizer/Snack Recipes

First, I want to wish my dearest mother a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. This has always been one of my favorite holidays!
Over the weekend I enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with my dad, brother and some of their friends!
Here are two quick and easy recipes that I made to share with everyone on Saturday.
First Recipe:
Party Mix.
You probably have your own version of this recipe, but this one is a no fail recipe.
1 box Corn Chex
1 box Cheez It
1/2 bag pretzels
1 bag Oyster Crackers
1 packet Ranch
1 tablespoon Dill
1 tablespoon Lemon Pepper
1 1/2 cups Canola Oil

You will mix the corn chex, pretzels, cheez it, and oyster crackers in a large bowl. In another bowl you will mix the canola oil, dill, ranch and lemon pepper. After that is mixed together you will drizzle over the cracker mix. Stir the cracker mix gently. You will line cookie sheets with parchment paper, and spread the party mix evenly. Preheat the oven at 270 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. Stir halfway.
This is a super easy and delicious Party Mix if you need something in a hurry. I also will be bringing a big bag of this on our Road Trip to Florida.

Second Recipe:
Maroon Bells
Here is an easy and "classy" looking appetizer. It delicious will impress your guests.
(Although, I made it last night for my dads, and I think my dad and I were the only ones to try it. Everyone else was picky, and didn't like to try something new)
2 1/2 cups grated white cheddar cheese
1/3 cup grated onion (I used Vidalia)
2 tablespoons mayo (do not substitute)
1/2 cup raspberry preserves (pictures is raspberry preserves that my dad made, so if you use store bought it will look a little different)
Serve with triscuts.

Grate the cheese and onion. Then mix in the mayo. You will then spread that onto a plate. Before serving, you will cover with the raspberry preserve.

I grew up on this recipe, and I LOVE it.

We will be making a road trip down to Florida to visit Josh's sister and her family! Josh, Arnie, Jason and I will be making the journey together! We are looking forward to seeing everyone!!


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