
Friday, December 6, 2013


Excited: to see these ladies (Azure in Spirit) tonight for a girls night! Besties!
Listening to: 101.3 KDWB on iheart Radio, because it makes me feel like I am in Minnesota! My heart will always be in Minnesota.
Eating: Healthy. Why? Because we have a Health 360 Check on Friday, and I can potentially get $60 off  on our health insurance a month ....that's a good chunk of money for my husband to shop with! ;) Love you Joshua!

Wanting to buy: EVERYTHING, because I love to shop! Small obsession! I blame it on my mother, she taught me how to shop. In all serious's Christmas gift buying season, which is so fun! Check out my Gifts for Her and Gifts for Him posts.

Reading: The Distant Hours by Kate Morton (Kindle Edition). My mother-in-law and sister-in-law introduced me to her books! Great reads! I love download books to my Kindle App on my phone. That way when I have a chance to read, I have it with me!
Laughing at: My husband. No joke, he is the only one who can make my belly hurt after laughing. Usually it is at his expense. I love it and him!

Wishing: My mother and sister lived closer, that my grandparents would live forever and ever, that my husband woke up next to me every morning, that my dog would stop barking at everyone in the mornings, and my list could go on and on and on.
Drinking: Water and Wine are my drinks of choice. Water at work, Wine at night!

Into: My husband. I know I talk a lot about him, but I swear each day I fall more and more in love with him! Monday night before he left to go back up North, he brought home crab legs, steak and a Christmas tree. I feel like a lucky lady!
Ending: with a reminder to follow me!!

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