
Friday, January 24, 2014

Kelly's Korner, Show Us Your Singles

After seeing the "Show Us Your Singles" post on Kelly's blog today, I e-mailed my sister right away to ask if it was okay I linked up to it. So here we are.

I would like to introduce you to my sister Danielle.

She is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. Yes, of course I am bias because she is my sister and best friend, but truly she has a heart of gold. 
My sister and I on my wedding day (Best MOH)

She is beautiful.
She is smart.
She is loyal.
She puts in 110% for everything she does.
She is a hard worker.
She is a dog lover.
She is a sports fanatic, and probably could beat you in Fantasy Football.

Currently she is living in St. Petersburg, Florida and is working as a Business Analyst at a well known financial company.

She likes to travel.
She likes to be with family and friends, especially family!
She likes to Crossfit.
Miami, FL with my sister, my brother in-law and my husband

She is a wonderful sister, daughter, godmother, sister in law, friend and so much more!
She is always ready for a good time.
Danielle and a good friend of hers.

Danielle and another good friend.
To get to know more about my sister, please e-mail her at! There have been couples that have met because of Kelly's Korner and been married!


  1. Danielle should check out Joe. They would be a great match!

    1. Funny you say that! I just sent her your blog post on him! ;)

    2. I hear that Joe and Danielle might meet this weekend! So exciting!!!
