
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Random Thoughts for Today

  • We tilled the area for our Garden on Sunday! I am super pumped about this. Basically we've taken over my father-in-law's yard and will be growing as many vegetables as we can!

  • Anyone else planting a vegetable garden? If so, give me tips... Do we put up a fence around the garden? How do I keep the pesky animals out? Last year I did a garden with my friend, Kim, so this will be the first year of the Dubberke Garden. (I love that my husband is just as excited about this as I am.)
  • I started Crossfit last night, and let's just say I am excited to get my butt kicked! Anyone else do Crossfit? Would love to hear how you like it.
  • I also learned last night that being healthy is 80% of what you eat and 20% of how you exercise. That is CRAZY, but I totally believe it. Clean Eating is the way to go.
  • I am running a 10k at the end of April, and lets say...I am not prepared at all! Ahh, I need to get outside and run some laps.
  • Wedding season is almost upon us. I received 3 invitation in the mail for the month of May, and still know I have another one on the way. Ready for weddings every weekend in May!
  • My mother is coming to town at the beginning of May, already started my count down.
Those are my random not so exciting thoughts for today! (Sorry for the lack of pictures)

1 comment :

  1. I wish I didn't have a black thumb! I would so love to grow my own stuff. Maybe one day!
