
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday {Link-Up}...

Just a couple random things to share.

A couple weekends ago we were bridesmaid dress shopping for my best friend Amanda's wedding, and of course as we were looking for dresses, we had to do a little shopping! I found this cute Tranquil Drop Pendant at Forever 21 for $6.80. There are so many other I could add to my collection as I browse their website, like this one and this one.
This past Sunday, Josh and I did lots of yard work! We spend a majority of the day outside, and it was amazing! I am looking forward to many more warm days. Daisy even enjoyed laying in the sun.
I had a head of cabbage that I only used a small amount of, and I wanted to use the rest of it before it went bad. I found this recipe on Pinterest, and it was yummy! I actually thought the cabbage tasted better the next day heated up!

This is a picture my husband sent me from one of his job sites in Drayton, North Dakota on Tuesday Morning (April 1st). They got 20 inches of SNOW. I think I would cry if I lived there.

And lastly, I am super super excited, as I am starting Crossfit next week at a near by gym! I am looking forward to someone pushing me! Everyone I've talked to LOVES it, and I am hoping to love it as well!

Have a Happy Hump Day!


  1. Hey Haley!! Daisy is soo cute sunbathing.. awww!! And whoa that's a lot of snow. I would probably cry, lol! Bless their hearts! <3


  2. I wish I had a yard- would love to be able to spend a day outside like that!

    1. Ours is small, but I just love being outside, and it was a perfect day for that! ;)

  3. I just moved to a house and have been dying to get outside and plant and add some curb appeal.

    1. I need some curb appeal also! It is on my to-do list this year! {Lets hope!}
