
Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July Weekend with the Sissy

The weekends always go by fast, but it goes by even faster when you have one of your favorite visitors in town. My sister came to Iowa for the 4th of July, and today I was SO SAD to see her go back to Florida.

On the 4th, we went up to Clear Lake and had lunch at the Tiki Bar, went golfing and then cruised around town.

It was a beautiful day on the 4th, so we enjoyed spending it outside.
The 5th of July we rented a boat on Big Creek in Polk City, the weather was not the best. It was cloudy and a little chilly. Josh and Jason fished while Danielle and I hung out. It was pretty relaxing.

Daisy really enjoyed being on the lake.

One day my sister and I will live closer to each other, I sure miss her already! Thanks for visiting sissy! LOVE YOU!

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend for the 4th!


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