
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's All About the Daisy

Meet Daisy. She is the princess of our house. She likes long walks, riding on the golf cart and snuggling. Let's be honest, she has me wrapped around her paws, and she is even a daddy's girl! I know I am not the only one in this world who has this problem, I am sure of it.

About a month ago I went to Florida to visit my sister and my mom. They also have puggle's, and if anyone knows, they have a lot of energy. One day while we were sitting at my sisters her dog, Oliver, was playing with this ball...okay sounds normal right? This ball though, kept him entertained for a L O N G TIME. It was great. Then my mother dog, Banjo, came over, and it kept him entertained for a L O N G TIME. Right then I knew I needed this at my house!

Daisy needs attention. I don't always want to give it to her or am busy doing other things around the house. This is where the ball became my best friend. I toss some food or treats into the ball, and she is busy for hours. She loves the thing! It's amazing. I bought mine at the new Petsco in Ames, but you probably can find it anywhere. It's called the Omega Paw Treat Ball for Dogs. Buy it, its totally worth it. Especially if you have a busy dog like mine.

Remember to follow me! I would like to get to 100 people before the New Year! #goals #becomingablogger


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