
Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend - Husband = Shopping

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! My Monday did not start off so great, I was running a little late for work, get into my car and it is dead. Thank goodness I work only a couple blocks from my house.
My weekends aren't as exciting when Josh is gone. He is working in North Dakota right now, and this run is a LONG one. This will be his 3rd week away, and I beleive he has 8 more days away before I will get to see him. I miss him like crazy! Does anyone else have a spouse that is gone weeks at a time? How do you get through your weeks? Usually I do pretty good, but these long stints are hard.
Anyways, back to the weekend. As you can see below I kept myself busy.
1. How beautiful is the picture of the country? I was driving home from Des Moines, and I couldn't help but just love the peaceful look of the open country.
2. Lately I've been having good luck with Old Navy. I had originally ordered some stuff online, and had to exchange some of the stuff, so I headed to Des Moines, which is about an hour away. (As my sister would say, we live so far away from everything, but I am so use to driving anymore, that this doesn't seem that far away). Here and Here are the sweaters I purchased! Love them! (Right now everything is 35% off with code MERRY).

3. Saturday night my friend Kim and I subbed in a bowling league. I am not so great, but it still was a good time!
4. My mother bought Josh and I this Tuscan Expandable Wine Bar for a Hannukah gift. I put that together on Sunady. It took me about an hour to get it together, but it definately put a finishing touch to our dining room that we needed. It is from Bed Bath and Beyond, and I of course then got 20% off. I only shop with coupons!
5. Want to wish my Sister-in-law Steph a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (It was yesterday, but still need to give her a shout out today!) She came to Hubbard over the weekend, so I did get to see her on Friday night! Love ya Steph!
6. I also got to see my friend Katie's new place! Loved seeing her and her new home!


  1. Haha! I love that you posted Steph's picture!!! Happy birthday, Steph!! I love the small town life, too, and it is so much better with you here!! Muahhh!!!
